
control websites
choose from these
Radio Control (R/C) Sites
R/C Aircraft Engines
R/C Fuel and Fuelling systems
R/C Aircraft Hobby Shops and Suppliers
R/C Aircraft and Kits
Indoor Radio Controlled Aircraft
R/C Radios and Control Devices
R/C Simulators
Radio Control (R/C) Sites
Propellers Propellers for competitors,
intermediate and advanced sport fliers.
Bob Smith Industries BSI adhesives.
Cleveland Model & Supply Co.
Over 1100 plans available in seven scales representing over 100 aircraft
Getting Started in RC A
beginners guide to the world of radio control airplanes, boats, and
International Scale Soaring Association The
ISSA is an A.M.A. chartered club for those who enjoy building and flying
radio-controlled scale gliders and tow planes.
Jim\'s RC
Airplane/ RC Helicopter Site Site contains a huge amount of
information, photos, hints and tips, troubleshooting charts, and a faq
MasterAirscrew Scale, sport,
and performance props.
Micro Macro Mundo
Larger Distributor/Dealer for RC products, airplanes and helicopters
General Aviation, Ltd. MGA Ltd. specializes
in the manufacturing and sales of Russian general aviation products,
including desktop and radio controlled models.
Monsen's Desert Aviation Connection
A personal website about RC airplanes and helicopters in Saudi Arabia,
including photographs, downloadable programs, and other useful
Manufacturing Engine break-in stands, fuel
filler dots and hi flow tees, sealed fuel cap and billet tool holders,
and other products.
Q8aviation A group of R/C pilots in State of
Radio Control microFlight A
monthly, 12-page newsletter about micro flyers, micro motors, props, and
control systems.
R/C Airplane Plans & Tidbits
Links to free plans, 3-view drawings, misc. R/C info, and R/C related
RC Buzz - RC AIrplanes,
Helicopters and Cars Reviews, photos, videos and
discussion about everything RC.
RCFly Two new
ebooks for the student RC model pilot, either Glow powered or Electric
models, covering everything from basic considerations such as where to
fly, insurance requirements through to simple aerobatics and a useful
resource section with tips and instructions on engine care and setup for
Glow models and motors and power sources for electric models, etc.
Flying Network R/C forum, photos, event
calendar, links.
Garage An R/C enthusiast site with forums,
user's gallery, product reviews, links, events.
Lighting Electroluminescent and LED lighting
RC Planes-RC Plane
Guide Extensive guide to learning to how to fly and how to
select your first rc plane,helicopter,jet,car,truck, and boat .An
informative general rc site,good for reviews , How To, and sources of
value priced RC products of any type!
RCYellowPages.com Links to companies
providing products and services to the worldwide radio control
community, with a useful search feature.
The R/C Web Directory This
Tower Hobbies page has links to R/C news, web sites, magazines, a huge
selection of R/C aircraft clubs worldwide, and other resources.
Riyadh R/C Team R/C in Saudi Arabia with
galleries and links.
Sea Commander Floats Ready-to-paint scale
fiberglass floats, structural aluminum tubing, and scale mounting
Sullivan Products Starter
power pack using Sub-C NiCad batteries.
Taylorcraft Owners Club and Foundation FAQs
and technical resources for Taylorcraft kit enthusiasts.
Foam fuselages and cowlings. Feathercut Foam Cutter hot wire foam
cutter for foam cutting.
Hobbies Easy R/C Tons of equipment and
information: how to get started, what you need, choosing planes, tools
and building equipment, lots more.
U.S. Army Air Force Model Display Team The
largest model airforce in the United Kingdom, specializing in 1/6 scale
radio controlled flying U.S. Warbirds.
Watt Noise Aerial Photography Aerial photos
and "how-to" descriptions of electric-powered radio controlled model
aircraft with a light-weight, remotely-triggered digital camera
White Knight Wing Protectors
R/C airplane wing and tail protectors constructed with a 100% nylon
shell and a padded Muslin lining.

R/C Fuel and Fuelling

R/C Aircraft Hobby Shops and Suppliers
Hobby Distributors, Inc. R/C and glider
aeroplanes, helicopters, engines, electronics, accessories.
Aircraft International, Inc.
Aircraft kits, 3W motors, aircraft exchange.
Chief Aircraft Planes, radios,
China Miniature Bearings Co.
CMB is a supplier of miniature bearings for the r/c hobby: ball bearings
for r/c cars, trucks, engines, motors, helicopters, etc.
Dynathrust RC Propellers RC propellers
available for sale at a discount online from Dynathrust Props.
Electric Jet Factory Jet kits,
electric ducted fan units, batteries, accessories.
Eureka Hobbies Inc. Unique products for R/C
FMA Direct R/C equipment, models, and
accessories for R/C hobby dealers and modelers.
Fuzhou Hong's Bearing Ltd. A precision
miniature ball bearing manufacturer for the R/C hobby.
Global Hobbies A U.S. distributor of hobby
products specializing in radio controlled models: Global ARF Airplanes,
Magnum Engines, Thunderbolt Glow Plugs, Cirrus Servos, Model Tech
Airplanes, Global Radio Control Accessories, Magnum Accessories, and Pro
Max Chargers.
HeliProz, Inc. News, reviews, reports,
Hobby Horse An R/C mail order specialist
hobby store located in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Hobby Lobby Online catalog.
Hobby People Discount hobby store.
Horizon Hobby Brands include names such as JR
radio systems, Saito 4-stroke model engines, MDS 2-stroke model engines,
Dynamite R/C car accessories, ProTrax ready-to-run R/C trucks, Pro Boat
R/C boat kits, and Hangar 9 almost-ready-to-fly R/C airplanes.
MY Hobbies A radio control model shop based
in London, specialising in low prices for a wide range of radio control
models and accessories with an online catalogue.
Omni Models Full line of R/C products.
PlanetHobby.com Model kits, propellers,
engines, electrics, accessories, glow plugs, glue, hardware, speed
parts, tools, wheels.
Precision Aerobatics Generous
variety of quality R/C products: giant scales, small park flyers,
indoors, glider, helis, funfly, 3D and trainers. Also, the new
generation of ARF planes: high quality with minimum assembling time.
Full line of unique accessories. Located in Sydney, Australia, but
shipping worldwide.
Punctilio Model Spot Ltd. An R/C model
aircraft shop.
R/C Hobbies Shop for radio control model
airplanes, ARF's or kits, model engines, gas engines, balsa, and
RCstore.com Shop online for books, plans,
magazines, tee shirts, plane, decal sheets. A division of
Airage Publishing.
Richmond RC Supply Ltd. A world wide supplier
of R/C products including adhesives, RC model aircraft, ARF model
aircraft, radio control equipment, model boats, model engines, batteries
and related accessories.
Mfg., Inc. Manufacturer of R/C products:
retracts, struts, air systems, control systems, wheels, tools, fuel
systems, and a 7 cylinder radial engine.
Tower Hobbies
Wings 'N' Things Hobbies This
Australian site is a great source for all your R/C aircraft and
helicopter needs.

R/C Aircraft and Kits
AirBourne Models Balsa/wood
construction models covered with repairable, hand ironed-on covering
Airfoil Aviation, Inc. Radio
controlled gas powered parachutes.
Century Helicopter Products Helicopter scale
Dreambuilt Designs This
company provides plans eBooks for the do-it-yourself'er, ranging from
woodworking, metalworking, and electronics, to leatherworking, sewing,
arts and crafts. Included is a quarter-scaled hot air balloon standing
20 feet tall and about 16 feet in diameter. Made of ripstop nylon, it
has an aluminum gondola and a radio-controlled propane burner.
Dymond Modelsports Ltd. Electric airplanes,
helicopters, and accessories.
Easy Built Models Radio
Control kits, supplies, tips.
Experimental Aircraft Models, LLC A company
that specializes in radio control (RC) scale flying models and RC
simulations of some of the popular full scale experimental aircraft.
FunAero R/C Super Jake 1/2A trainer.
Giant Scale Planes ARF R/C
airplanes, giant scale ARC airplanes and accessories.
Giant Sun Toys An internet retail store
specializing in RC toys including airplanes, cars and boats. Also, a
selection of educational and space exploration related toys.
Great Planes Aircraft kits, motors, parts and
Engineering Corp. Computer designed laser cut
Kangke Industrial USA, Inc. ARF airplanes.
Radio controlled models.
Lanier RC, Inc. ARF model kits.
Litko Aerosystems, Inc. An RC aircraft kit
manufacturing and replacement parts service. Developers of the FSW R/C
aircraft, with a forward-swept main wing, canard control surfaces, small
static margin, and a ducted-fan propulsion system. Online store,
mailing list.
Megatech Merlin ultralight kit or pre-built.
Midwest Products Co., Inc.
Aerobatic kits.
Modelair-Tech R/C model aircraft products and
engineering devoted exclusively to electric powered flight.
Model Rectifier Corporation MRC provides
Hirobo and OK airplanes and helicopters, and Enya engines.
Northeast Sailplane Products RC sailplanes,
electrics, and accessories.
Models Ducted fan jet kits for the model
VNHLine A manufacturer of helicopters,
airplanes, and option parts in Vietnam.
The World Models Manufacturing Co. LTD.
Almost-ready-to-fly model airplanes.

Indoor Radio Controlled Aircraft

R/C Radios and Control Devices
Castle Creations A small manufacturer of
ultra lightweight and inexpensive speed controls for electric RC
models. Helicopter and marine applications.
Cermark Receiver, transmitter, and power
packs, as well as single cells, connectors, aluminum spinners, servos.
Futaba Radio systems, accessories, servos,
batteries and chargers.
Hitec RCD, Inc. Aero, sailplane, and heli
Multiplex USA PROFI mc 4000 radio.
Peak Electronics Automatic
battery chargers.

Cockpit Master R/C flight
simulator with many virtual aircraft models and online play.
Experimental Aircraft Models, LLC A company
that specializes in radio control (RC) simulations of some of
the popular full scale experimental aircraft.
RealFlight An R/C flight simulator.
RealityCraft The RC Plane Master 3D R/C
flight simulator for model aircraft runs on Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP.