
incident and safety websites
choose from these
Incident and Safety Websites
Safety Equipment
Human Factor Sites
Sites About Specific Incidents
Incident and Safety Websites
Data Research Aviation safety information -
AD's, service difficulty and mechanical reliability reports, accident
and incident report databases, aviation accident reports, other safety
aircraft safety GA aviation safety portal
aviation disasters civil aviation disaster history
AirSafe.com Airline safety and security
information from the passenger perspective, as well as other useful
information for the traveling public and information on recent fatal
plane crashes.
Aircraft Wrecks in Southern California
Aviation accidents of California from 1920 to present: information,
links to other incident related sites, book reviews.
AirDisaster.Com Goals of this site are to
provide updates on breaking aviation-safety related stories, a central
location for information about aviation accidents, and a forum for
opinions on topics covered on this site.
Airline Crash Research Site The
purpose of this site is to compile reference materials regarding
commercial airline incidents and associated research work.
Airworthy.US Dedicated to restoring the
concept of airworthiness to its role as the foundation upon which
commercial/civil aviation rests. Their mission is to ensure that
everyone, worldwide, connected with commercial/civil aviation knows and
understands the comprehensive meaning of airworthiness.
ARG/US Home A consultancy that
also provides the Preliminary Accident Notification System email service
where data is downloaded several times a day from the FAA's preliminary
accident files, processed into a structured database, and emailed to
Ariane Information Inc.- Aviation A privately
owned international consulting firm, specialized in safety matters and
offering assistance and solutions to airlines, training schools,
airports, governments, civil aviation administrations, and
corporations. Offerings include publications, videos, partner training
aids, passenger safety cards, technical manuals, training programs.
AviationDisasters This mailing
list is for the discussion of all disaster related aviation topics. From
flight safety requirements, to crash analysis, all forms of discussion
are valid. Conspiracy theorists and flamers are not really welcome,
sensible discussion is.
Aviation Archaeological Investigation & Research
AAIR is a source for U.S. military aircraft accident reports and
individual aircraft record (history) cards.
Aviation Archaeology From this
site you can order USN, USAF, and USAAF accident reports.
Aviation Law News An
informational site with the latest aviation news, NTSB information,
accident reports, safety precautions and easy access to lawyers
specializing in aviation law.
Av-Ox, Inc. Specializes in the sales and
overhaul of aviation oxygen equipment (cylinders, masks, regulators,
respirators, and valves) and also overhauls and repairs aircraft fire
Aviation.org Addresses safety issues through
focus on cockpit command responsibilities. Discussion groups, accident
analysis, library.
Aviation Safety Data Exchange This site is
sponsored by The Experimental Aircraft
Association (EAA) with data assistance from the
FAA to provide a source of safety
information for general aviation, amateur built, and ultralight
Aviation Safety Network Air safety news,
newsletter, accidents database, pictures, publications, accident
Aviation Safety Project
Dedicated to improving aviation safety through increased understanding
of pilot decision-making. Sponsored by the National Aeronautics & Space
Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the University of
Aviation Safety Reporting System The ASRS is a
cooperative program established by the FAA's Office of the Assistant
Administrator for System Safety, and administered by NASA. The ASRS
collects, analyzes, and responds to voluntarily submitted aviation
safety incident reports in order to lessen the likelihood of aviation
Boeing Commercial Airplanes - Jetliner Safety Information Site
Contains extensive information about aviation safety: what it is, who is
responsible, and how accidents are investigated. Of interest to
parents, teachers, and young aviation enthusiasts is the flash media
demonstration that shows in an easy-to-understand way how jetliners fly.
Center for Aerospace Safety/Security Education
The Embry-Riddle CASE offers an academic minor program in Aviation
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
A list of over 100 UFO crashes can be found on the CSETI Website. You
Clickairport BIRDS An airport safety system
which tracks bird and wildlife activity around airports using a wireless
handheld Pocket PC.
Cockpit Voice Recorder Database A database
containing CVR transcripts of aviation accidents and incidents.
Computer-Related Incidents with Commercial Aircraft
An archive with digitized official reports and information such as
commentaries, research papers and discussions.
Emergency & Disaster Management, Inc.
E&DM develops, implements, and assesses programs for public and private
entities. The Aviation Incidents section chronicles commercial and
military airplane accidents, and has information about airport incidents
and other topics related to aviation accidents.
EVAS Worldwide The EVAS system
allows a pilot to land safely in a smoke emergency.
Office of System Safety Safety trend
monitoring, policy advice, focal point for data and research.
Flight Safety Foundation An independent,
nonpolitical, nonprofit, international organization offering an
objective view of aviation safety developments. Special reports,
publications, seminar calendars and other useful information.
Safety Information Provides a daily
electronic newsletter on current topics concerning flight safety from
around the world.
The F.O.D Control Corporation A line of
products that reduce the number of Foreign Object Damage incidents.& FOD
control discussion group, free FOD prevention booklet, FOD related
- Film Safety for Traveling on Airlines A
film advocacy committee aimed at making the picture-taking public aware
of potential damage to photographic film generated by new x-ray security
scanners installed at airports worldwide for the inspection of checked
George Washington University Aviation Safety and Security
Management Certificate program designed to
take a comprehensive approach to integrating safety and security in air
The Georgetown Center for the Study of Violence
This news service provides international and national violence news
updated daily, including coverage of airline-related violence.
Inflight Safety Page A former
flight attendant describes how to increase your awareness of inflight
safety whenever you're on an aircraft. Introduction, pre-flight,
fire/smoke, decompression, brace position, ditching, examples of
Communications The world's largest
manufacturer of commercial (L-3 Aviation
Recorders division) and military (L-3
Electrodynamics Inc.) crash-protected recorders, or so-called "black
National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation A
non-profit organization with a mission to raise the standard of safety,
security, survivability, and support through the constructive
communications with all levels of government, departments, agencies,
airline operators, manufacturers and industry associations. The ADA
seeks to inform the flying public on critical issues, and advocate for
legislation and reform.
Transportation Safety Board An independent
Federal agency that investigates every civil aviation accident in the
United States and significant accidents in the other modes of
transportation, conducts special investigations and safety studies, and
issues safety recommendations to prevent future accidents.
Northern Ireland Aviation Archaeology Team
Message board, crash list, videos, links.
Oklahoma Wreckchasing Involved in aviation
archaeology since mid-1997 and based in Oklahoma City, they have details
of over one hundred civilian and military aircraft crashes dating from
1929. Arkansas and Oklahoma are primary areas of research. Links to
other aviation archaeology and crash sites.
PlaneCrashInfo.com Large
database of significant aviation accidents from 1908, famous people who
died in accidents, statistics, links, pictures.
SAFE Association A non-profit
professional association dedicated to ensuring personal safety and
protection in land, sea, air, and space environments.
Transportation Safety Board of Canada The TSB
is an independent agency created by an Act of Parliament. Its role is
to advance transportation safety through the investigation of
transportation occurrences in the marine, pipeline, rail and aviation
United Kingdom Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)
This branch of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the
Regions is responsible for the investigation of civil aircraft accidents
and serious incidents within the UK.
USFS Aviation Safety Home Page
The U.S. Forest Service page offers fire and aviation management
Wyvern Aviation Consulting Ltd. Global air
charter safety audit firm. The e-TWR database of charter operator
safety reports provides information to charter customers.

Av-Ox, Inc. Specializes in the sales and
overhaul of aviation oxygen equipment (cylinders, masks, regulators,
respirators, and valves) and also overhauls and repairs aircraft fire
DSS Aviation
DSS Aviation is a supplier and
full service facility for Aviation Safety Equipment, as well as
Emergency Survival Equipment.
Products and Services include: Liferafts. Life preservers, Surival Kits,
Pilot Immersion Suits, ELT, PLB’s Emergency Survival Equipment.
Equipment LifeSupportIntl.com is a leading International
supplier of search and rescue survival gear and tactical equipment.

Human Factor Sites

Sites About Specific Incidents
EgyptAir Flight 990 Final Report
NTSB report of the October 31, 1999 incident 60 miles south of
Nantucket, Massachusetts.
Emery Worldwide Airlines Flight 17
Dedicated to the memory of the Emery Worldwide Airlines flight 17
aircrew and the events surrounding the crash on February 16, 2000, in
Sacramento, California.
Flight 401 - The Black Box Story
The story of Eastern Airlines Tristar Flight 401 crash told using
material from the Black Box. It highlights how poor cockpit resource
management caused a tiny light bulb to crash a Tristar.
Flight 592 Memorial A memorial
page dedicated to the ValuJet Flight 592 air disaster of May 11, 1996
with passengers and crew list, monuments, documents, discussion group.
800 Independent Researchers' Organization
Information, data, quotes, discussion list.
Gander: The Untold Story
Information about the crash of an Arrow Air DC-8 in Gander, Newfoundland
on December 12th, 1985.
The Hull Thread Proponent of
the missle event theory in the downing of TWA Flight 800.
Lost Birds Aviation Historical Society & Museum
Quarterly magazine, sponsorships, contact information.
Pan Am 103 Trial Page Trial
news, features, schedule, evidence, legal issues.
TWA Flight 800 Disaster Cover-up
Press reports, opinion, links to related information.
TWA Flight 800 Public Hearing--NTSB
The US National Transportation Safety Board December 8-13, 1997 public
hearing "to record evidence presented by persons involved in the
accident and by parties to the investigation." Profiles of the key
players, hearing information, exhibit items in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf]
format only, image gallery including Quicktime animations.
Viscounts in Africa - The Air Rhodesia Story
A history of Central African Airways-Air Rhodesia-Air Zimbabwe with many
thumbnailed photos. The Viscount Disasters are covered in detail.