
aviation history websites
choose from these
Aviation History Websites
Charles A. Lindbergh
The Wright Brothers Centennial of Flight
Aviation History Websites
Century of Flight
a complete history of aviation from early
myths to space exploration
Photomapping History Preserving the history
of USAF Aerial Survey & Photomapping from 1945-1973. Many pictures of
people, places, and aircraft from survey sites around the world.
The Aerodrome Aces and aircraft of World War
I: aces, aircraft, books, forum, links, medals, T-shirts, related links.
Aeronautical Systems Center History Office
Provides historical information and related services to the Commander
and Staff of ASC: annual histories, monographs, and special studies.
Also, a research collection of historical materials which is available
for official researchers (Air Force, Department of Defense, and their
contractors). The site contains information about the Wright Brothers,
aviation, online Air Force history books, Wright-Patterson AFB, and
aviation photos
AIAA Wright Flyer Project Honoring the Wright
Brothers by researching, building, testing, and flying replicas of the
1903 Wright Flyer airplane. The site has photos, essays, technical
papers, projects, and future plans.
Air-Britain International Association of
Aviation Historians run by enthusiasts promoting education in aviation
subjects, and publishing Air-Britain Digest for members, as well as
Air-Britain News, a monthly magazine which records additions and changes
in the civil registers of a large number of countries, coverage of
military air arms world-wide, airliner changes and production, details
of air displays, specialised coverage of business aircraft and details
of production and deliveries of aircraft.
Air Force Historical Research Agency
The repository of over 70,000,000 pages of Air Force historical
documents since World War II providing research facilities for
professional military education students, faculty, visiting scholars,
and the general public. Also at
Air Mail Pioneers Dedicated to
the men and women of the U.S. Air Mail Service, an organization that
laid the foundation for commercial aviation. History, profiles,
newsletters, museums, links.
Air Racing History Compiled by
the European Sport Pilot Association.
War Vietnam.Com This site attempts to give
recognition to all of the flying units that flew in, on, or over South
East Asia during the Vietnam War. Flyers and their support personnel
are covered.
The Aircraft Engine Historical Society
A non-profit educational and historical society, open to the public,
which fosters an appreciation of the people, art, and science associated
with aircraft engine development, manufacture, and use.
Airline History Archives History of U.S.
commercial airlines no longer in existance, and other airline
American Aviation Historical Society The AAHS
was established to preserve and disseminate the hertiage of American
aviation through a collection of books, documents and photographs, a
quarterly Journal, and Newsletter.
Army Aviation Heritage Foundation The AAHF
seeks to educate the American public to their military heritage through
the story of U.S. Army Aviation's soldiers and machines.
Aviation in Hampshire UK 1900 to 2000
The aviation history of the county of Hampshire over the past 100 years.
Aviation History - A Century of Flight
The history of aviation and air racing.
The Aviation History On-Line Museum
Historical information about aircraft, airmen, engines, early years,
construction, theory, other sites, gift shop.
Aviation Pioneers : An Anthology
An extensive source of information and links to pages about aviation
pioneers, manufacturers, aviators, entertainers, and others.
Aviation History Association A group
dedicated to aviation history in Belgium. Newsletter, membership, other
Belgian historical aviation associations, books, aircraft archaeology.
Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation
A non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the memory and alliance
of the men and women of the United States, Great Britain, France, and
Germany who conducted the humanitarian event from June 1948 to May 1949.
Boeing: The Wonder of Flight
Explains how things fly (manmade and otherwise, powered and not). The
Century of Discovery page offers a timeline of flight with pictures and
Braniff International Historical Web Site
Created to preserve the airline's history. Operated as a not-for-profit
educational resource for the general public, friends, and former
employees of the original Braniff International with primary focus is on
the people and events between 1965 and 1982.
Aviation Historical Society Dedicated to the
preservation of Canada’s flying heritage. Membership, chapters,
Journal, links.
Catch Our Smile This website details the
history of PSA Pacific Southwest Airlines: photo gallery, memorabilia,
history by year.
Chandelle, A Journal of Aviation History
A forum for original essays, reviews, photographs, and artwork related,
however loosely, to the less familiar aspects of the history of
aviation. Published on the Web by amateurs for amateurs 3 times a year,
and made available for private study without charge. Also, many links
to sites with aviation history content.
Chasing the Sun PBS program
about the history of commercial aviation. Website offers an aviation
timeline, planes through the years, innovators, companies, TV schedule.
Check-Six Tours to some of key sites in the
history of aviation, as well as tours of many facilities in the area of
Edwards Air Force Base, NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, and the
Air Force's Test Pilot School. The Aero Store offers posters, books,
The Czechoslovak Air Force in Britain, 1940-1945
A British Ph.D thesis now available as an e-book.
Days Of Glory And Early Aviation
Aviation history and one mans travel through the early days of aviation.
Dutch Historic Aviation Sites
An initiative to connect and list all the Dutch aviation history sites,
including Dutch sites about foreign historic aviation and private
sites. Many of the sites listed are in English.
The Early Birds of Aviation, Inc.
An organization of pioneers who flew solo before December 17, 1916:
photos, biographies and history. Also, a collection of early U.S.
flyers who were pioneers, but not members of the Early Bird
First Flight Centennial Foundation
This site includes information about improvements to Wright Brothers
National Memorial, event planning and updates for the centennial in NC,
official First Flight Centennial merchandise, the monthly Wright
Brothers Trivia Challenge, and more.
Flight-History.com Dedicated
to capturing aviation history. Archives feature a collection of
photographs, stories, and aircraft specifications. The site includes
the aviation artwork of several artists.
Golden Age of Aviation eZine
Historical short stories with photos and 3-view scale drawings.
Helicopter's History Site Historical evolution
of helicopters.
Hikoki: 1946 History and
information about the Japanese air arm, including experimental, jet, and
rocket aircraft.
Historic Wings An online aviation magazine
featuring stories from the past and present, free Web page and e-mail
accounts, forums.
History of Aviation Special Collections and Archives
Wright State University Libraries special collections.
The History Channel Try
aviation keywords in the search box.
Holcomb's Aerodrome This page details
selected pioneer era, great war, and golden age aircraft. The links
section presents an outstanding selection of aviation history links.
The A.J. Jackson Collection A
private British aviation history archive and photographic collection
containing almost 30,000 negatives and several tens of thousands of
prints. The focus is on British civil aviation during the years 1919 to
1960 but there are also details and photographs of many foreign,
commonwealth and military aircraft.
Koolhoven Aeroplanes Foundation Preserving
the work of the Dutch airplane constructor Frederick Koolhoven
(1886-1946) who designed the Armstrong Whitworth F.K.8, the B.A.T.
F.K.26 (the world's first airliner) and others.
Lady Be Good The story of the
1959-60 search for the B-24 Bomber Lady Be Good, discovered in the
Libyan Desert 16 years after it lost its way back from a World War II
mission to bomb Naples, Italy on 4 April 1943.
American Aviation Historical Society
Dedicated to the preservation of Latin American aviation heritage.
Historical feature articles, preservation projects, discussion board,
The Legendary Howard R.Hughes Jr.
It is a site dedicated to billionaire Howard Hughes jr.who had an ardent
passion for flying.The site includes highlights in his aviation career
as well as his many contributions to the field of Aviation (among other
Marshall Stelzriede's Wartime Story
A Website about the experiences of a navigator in the WW2 European
Theater with the Eighth Air Force, 96th Heavy Bomb Group, 338th
Squadron, and later with the 27th Air Transport Group, 87th Squadron.
Personal journals provide an interesting insight into life in wartime
Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines
Dedicated to the pioneers of the early days of heavier than air flight
in the years before World War One.
Jay Miller Aviation History Collection
Aerospace Branch Library, Aerospace Education Center Complex, Central
Arkansas Library System. Aviation and aerospace reference library with
6000 books, 50,000 journals and magazines, manuscripts, photogtaphs.
Naval Historical Center Naval aviation history
and news.
Parachute History History of parachutes and
Pioneer Pilot, Walter E. Lees 1887-1957
Collection of photos, clippings and journals mostly from the book
"Pioneer Pilot" edited by his daughter.
Plane Writing A site built
around writings and biographies of vintage pilots.
The P&W Story A timeline
PSA History Page Good description of the
history of Pacific Southwest Airlines.
Small Air Forces Clearing House The SAFCH
encourages international cooperation in researching aviation history,
both military and civil, from all periods of time, and for all the
smaller countries.
Spitfire Archives An online source of
stories, history, facts and other information about the aircraft of
World War Two and those who made and flew them, with a special emphasis
on Canadian achievements.
Stichting Fokker Four De stichting Fokker
Four geeft met een formatie van vier historische Fokker S-11 Instructor
vliegtuigen demonstraties op luchtvaartevenementen in binnen- en
buitenland. Ook kunt U met ons meevliegen of ons inhuren voor clinics in
formatievliegen en aerobatics.
Warbird's Forum Over 500 pages with history,
facts, and information about America's war on terrorism, the AVG Flying
Tigers, the Brewster Buffalo, Imperial Japan, the Vietnam War, and the
Piper Cub.
WASP-WWII A Tribute to the Women Airforce
Service Pilots of WWII. Convention, chat, tributes, pictures, stories,
links, posters, songs.
Gustave A. Whitehead Resume, history,
research, museum, books and films.
[The Pioneers : An Anthology :] Gustave Albin Whitehead
This site celebrates the life and history of Gustave Albin Whitehead
(1874 - 1927).
Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame review stories of aviators from
Wisconsin that made aviation history, learn more about the organization
and its projects
Wilexa.com Unofficial Photo diary of the
demolition and renewal of much of the historic Douglas Aircraft (now
Boeing) factory in Long Beach, California. Also includes historic
photos and documents from the Douglas Aircraft Company and its
World War II
through the Eyes of a Radio Man Companion site for novel based
on wartime experiences of Eli Ellison, who served in the 327th Fighter
Control Squadron of the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1943 to 1945.
War 2 in the Pacific A comprehensive look at the Pacific War
of World War 2

The Wright Brothers
Centennial of Flight
Century of Flight
a complete history of aviation from early
myths to space exploration
Altitude is Everything (AiE)
The Canadian Celebration of the Centenary.
Centennial of Flight: Rediscovering the
Challenges of Flight A
NASA Quest educational site.
The Centennial of Flight: Rediscovering the
Challenges of Flight
Educator resources concerning the history of aviation technology and the
100th anniversary of the Wright brothers first flight.
Countdown to Kitty Hawk
EAA's Countdown to Kitty Hawk series of celebrations will mark the 100th
anniversary of the Wright brothers' achievement. The centerpiece
of this celebration will be the flight of a new 2003 Wright Flyer at
Kill Devil Hills, N.C. on Dec. 17, 2003.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation - Centennial
Celebration of Flight
Information on upcoming events.
First Flight Centennial Foundation
This site includes information about improvements to Wright Brothers
National Memorial, event planning and updates for the centennial in NC,
official First Flight Centennial merchandise, the monthly Wright
Brothers Trivia Challenge, and more.
The First Flight Society
Formed in 1926 by a group of North Carolina Outer Bankers, group
dedicated themselves to preserving the original site of the Wright
Brothers' first flights of December 17, 1903.
The Flight Centennial Collection
Commissions and sale of fine art.
The Flight Experience
Use this web site to to find out more about the centennial of flight and
the many events organised to celebrate it.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Century of
Flight Fly the Wright
Flyer and 8 other historic airplanes.
National Air Tour
The Aviation Foundation of America is sponsoring the re-creation of the
1925-1931 National Air Tours in 2003 in celebration of the centennial of
powered flight. The 4,000-mile tour the path of the uncompleted
tour with 25 vintage aircraft landing in more than two-dozen cities.
Re-Living the Wright Way
This NASA site offers lesson plans, simulations, activities, CD-ROMs,
history, information, photo gallery, calendar, and other resources.
To Fly is Everything...
A virtual museum covering the invention of the airplane.
U.S. Centennial of Flight Home Page
Created by the U.S. Congress in 1999 to serve as a national and
international source of information about activities to commemorate the
centennial of the Wright Brothers' first powered flight at Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina, on December 17, 1903. Events calendar, images,
essays, links,
Kids' Fly Zone where students of all ages can examine how our world
has changed as a result of the Wright Brothers' first powered flight on
December 17, 1903.
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company and Museum of Pioneer Aviation Home
Page An online museum of
the Wright brothers, including a biography of Wilbur and Orville Wright,
the history of the invention of the airplane and early aviation,
descriptions of aviation museums and monuments to aviation history,
educational activities that teach aeronautics and history, and
information on antique aircraft replicas and reproductions such as the
1902 Wright Glider, the 1903 Wright Flyer 1, and the 1905 Wright Flyer
Wright Brothers Memorial
Wright Brothers photographs and links to other information.
Wright Brothers National Memorial and Visitors Center
Wright Brothers Papers
15,100 pages of Wright Brothers papers. Documents include:
correspondence, diaries, notebooks, drawings, printed matter, legal
documents, and other documents ranging from 1881 to 1952.
Wright Brothers Photography
302 photographs, mostly taken by Wilbur or Orville Wright between 1896
and 1911. The photos document their successes and failures, and
provide a pictorial record of the Wright Brothers' laboratory, engines,
models, experimental planes, runways, flights, and even their accidents.
The Wright Experience
Seeking to preserve the legacy of the Wright Brothers and other early
aviators and aircraft inventors: their experimentation, discovery, and
methodology. Also to create a living classroom that provides
inspirational examples of innovation and discovery for school children
and people of all ages, and to provide for the remanufacture of original
Wright Brothers aircraft.
WrightFlight.us Quality
12x16" restored archival Wright Brothers photographs for sale.