
aviation memorabilia and collectibles
choose from these
Memorabilia and Collectibles
Airline Spoons
Airline Airsickness Bags
Airline Safety Cards
Memorabilia and Collectibles
AeroLocker.com specialises in the sale of WWII warbird and bomber
Aerospace Jewelry A secure
online store offering over 400 authentic aircraft (commercial, military,
private, and experimental) and spacecraft designs as pins/tie tacks, tie
clasps, and cufflinks.
airplane memorialised in stained glass. Every design a one of a kind.
The perfect gift for that pilot in your life.
Airline Boutique Airline
memorabilia, as well as aircraft models, posters, postcards, toys, and
clothing for the airline enthusiast.
America's Postcard Post Buy, sell, trade, and
auction scarce, hard-to-find, and rare airline postcards.
AvCollect An aviation collectables and
photography Website by a British aviation photographer that flies with
the RAF and writes for the popular aviation magazines. Limited edition
art from top artists, air to air and low level photography, aviation
multimedia CD's, first flight flown covers from various RAF aircraft.
Aviation Collectables Aviation
commemorative covers (signed and unsigned), aviation signed books and
prints, and genuine signed photos from Battle of Britain Aircrew, and
Luftwaffe pilots.
Aviationgadgets.nl Aviation Gifts & Gadgets
BattleZone Ltd Military
patches, pins, decals, books.
Check-Six Offering unique collectibles and
history from aviation's past, present, and future. Framed pieces,
tours, books, posters, and much more with an emphasis on experimental
and test flying around Edwards AFB, as well as throughout Northern
Desperate Enterprises, Inc.
Reproduction nostalgic advertising tins.
Force One Aircraft Series Web Site. Ertl Force One Aircraft
Series Web Site.
FIS Aviation Support A supplier of military
leather nametags. Also, a full range of Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy,
and other military related patches, caps, t-shirts, flags, and badges -
from World War II to the present.
Franklyn Cards A great resource for aviation
related cigarette cards. Browse the site or enter "aviation" in the
Search Box.
Halcyon Aviator
Goggles Manufacturers and Online Sellers of Halcyon Leather
Flying Goggles, Gauntlets and Leather Helmets
Horrido1 Specializing in WWII
German and American military aviation autographed photos and prints.
Invicta Collectables 617
Squadron Dambusters signed photographs and commemorative envelopes,
obtained "in person" at exclusive private signings. Other military
signed items.
New Zealand Postal History - Flight
Special flight covers flown in New Zealand and to overseas destinations
on special flights etc. over the past 20 or so years.
Nostalgic Aviation A dealer
for autographed aviation aces photos.
Alex Panchenko Collectibles
Badges, books, clothing, pennants, models, posters, stamps, wings, fine
art, patches, and pins from the glory days of Russian aerospace.
Pedal Car.com Sale of pedalplanes (and
pedalcars), parts, and kits. Good source for collectors.
Pilot Wings of the World Buy,
sell, and trade pilot wings.
Planefacts 99 Aviation ads,
patches, stickers, photographs, cigarette cards.
Rarey's WWII Sketchbooks Capt.
George Rarey's sketches, letters, commentary in a 208 page book.
Singular Selections An
e-commerce site with vintage airline collectibles, brochures, safety
cards, books, postcards, photographs and other memorabilia, as well as
current collectibles, models and gifts.
Official NASA patches from the NASA distributor.
Spitfirespares.com We have the largest private collection of
WWII Aviation related items on the net. We have everything from
instruments to 20mm cannon and pilot equipment, Radio/radar the list
goes on. We have lots of info to help you identify your parts with
pictures, audio and video. We specialise in Spitfire\'s but also have
parts and collectables from a huge range of aircraft including the
Lancaster. If you are interested in the great aerial conflict of WWII
this is the site for you. We also carry an inventory of WWI aircraft
with a large range of WWI Propeller's. We also have engines in stock and
a section for post war jets from the Meteor to the Harrier.
Terrane Promotions An embroidery manufacturer
and screen printer that supplies most of the Armed Forces of Europe and
others with patches, stickers, etc. You can purchase postcards,
patches, stickers, prints, key rings, mugs, and other products.
Pins By Custom Trading Pins Trading Pins Manufacturer of custom
trading lapel pins including softball, little league, Olympic, football,
basketball, and hockey trading pins.
Transportation Hobby Collectibles Online
Airline memorabilia models and collectibles: vintage and current models,
books, videos, airline memorabilia, photographs, collectibles, logo
T-shirts, and gifts.
VintagePostcards.com Providing
collectors with vintage aviation and other postcards. (See the
Transportation categories.) Good links section.

Aerophil - Aerophilately Home Page
Aerophilatelic and commercial aviation literature, air mail covers, and
air crash covers. Huge list of links to other aerophilatelic websites.
Aerophilately on Stamp Domain
Links to aerophilately organizations and resources.
MJM Covers This eBay
storefront sells aviation "first flight covers." These are envelopes
with a printed design which airlines used to inaugurate service between
cities or countries. Not just for stamp collectors.
Alex Panchenko Collectibles
This Russian aerospace memorabila site includes stamps.

Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum
Extensive image collection, links.
Airsickness Bags A site for
anybody who collects airsickness bags. Get to know other collectors,
publicize upcoming collectors conventions, get information about
airsickness bags.
Bagophily A giant collection of bags:
gallery, swaps, links, all with a bit of humor mixed in. This is the
one to see.
Barf Bag Collection Photos and descriptions
of air sickness bags from around the world. Also links to other barfbag
Sickbag Collection Barf bag
photo collection.
The Vomitorium A display of
airsickness bags on the web and links to other notable barf bag sites.
